Truthteller (per our conversation)


SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
I don't see the other thread you asked me about so let's start a new one. When posting here if people follow the rules and respect our readers then they stick around. Whether someone is Mother Teresa or Jeffrey Dahmer in most cases we couldn't tell the difference if we wanted to. I understand you don't like Sick Gambler but unless he breaks the rules here we are not going to ban him so you will continue to post. As I said to you then I hope you post as you are one of a select few who seem to genuinely give a shit about issues but we do not ban folks based on an ultimatum from a poster. Never have and never will as long as I have a say.

We get people asking us to ban for not paying on bets parties made with each other off the site, we get them wanting us to ban because they don't like each other, because they are wife beaters, because they are bonus whores, where they are from, who they know, and a million other reasons. If you come and act like an adult you are welcome to post here. We don't legislate behavior off this site, not only is it none of our business we do not have the means to govern that sort of stuff. Taking care of what is posted here is enough in itself.

Lastly it is your choice if you post here or not. However if you decide not to don't send me stuff to post that I know nothing about. I am too busy for this sort of foolishness. I'm still trying to place a few people from Blue Marlin and you are on a self-imposed strike from here and want me to post stuff for you? Send it to someone else to post here other than me, I don't want to post something I know nothing about. I get asked a question and then run to you for the answer and then come back here and post it? LOL. I appreciate your work but don't have time to be your messenger guy. Unfortunately all these gambling sites are populated by thieves, scammers and stiffs. Probably some rapists, pick pockets and carjackers too. I advise everyone to keep their wallet in their back pocket and trust no one. Other than that you are on your own. I hate to paint such a negative portrait of what sort of people visit these sites but just keeping it real. Take care.

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Oct 21, 2002
Pat, actually the best place for your wallet is your front pocket

BUT then again, my wife has my wallet and I have a purse, so forget what I said!

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